IHS uses Journal System of Shahid Beheshti University (http://scj.sbu.ac.ir/index.php/ IJIHS) to receive and peer-review manuscripts. Please note that this journal publishes manuscripts in English and in exceptional occasion in German or French; non-English papers are printed at the end.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as word documents using font Garamond 12. Articles should be double-spaced, with at least one-inch margins. A typical article for this journal should be more than 3000 and maximum 15000 words; this limit includes tables, references, figure captions, footnotes and endnotes. Mention any proposed illustrations with the initial submission but do not send the illustration themselves. If the article is accepted, illustrations may be submitted either electronically as TIFF files (300 dpi) or as scanner-ready hard copies (e.g. photographs of artwork).
The journal follows The Chicago Manual of Style, Sixteenth Edition and employs in-text author-date citations (available at http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-2.html). References should be given in the text only with full bibliographic information at the end of each paper. Please re-write author names if multiple works of an author is listed and do not put dashes or other signs of repetition instead of names. Notes other than references will be printed as footnotes, and should be used judiciously. Authors must strictly comply with the journal notation style.
For transliteration of Persian, Arabic and Turkish words authors may follow the transliteration table of the Encyclopedia Iranica but omit the diacritical marks (available at http://www.iranicaonline.org/pages/guidelines). If transliterations are not strictly consistent the paper would be returned to the author.