Credit of the journal: Scientific – Research

Type of publishable articles: research

Publication status: electronic

Publish Period: Quarterly

Journal Language: English
Review process: blind peer-reviewed by 2 reviewers

Publication fee: Free

Similarity software checking: Yes

Maximum time required for initial evaluation of the article: 10 days

Minimum time required to complete the review process of the article: 45 days

Access to articles and download them is free.

Access to the full text of articles: Open access and free download

The publication follows the rules of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and Combating Plagiarism in Scientific Works.

All researchers, professors and students are kindly invited to carefully reading the guide for authors before submitting their articles and be sure to upload the documents related to the originality and authenticity of the research (which is explained in the section of the guide for authors).

Abolghasem Esmaeilpour

Abolghasem Esmaeilpour

Frequency: Semiannual

Print ISSN: 2588-6344

Online ISSN: 4689-2588